01890 771386

Trilliums & Paris

Trilliums. The species listed here are those in which we have many for sale at this time. We hope to have many more available soon. PLEASE remember when comparing prices that for the UK market our plants are supplied rooted into pots - often 1 litre deep pots.
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Price: £8.00
An attractive species with narrow leaflets and equally narrow petals on the flowers and black berries.
Price: £25.00
In our opinion the best Paris in the genus. Large umbrella-like foliage and creamy-white flowers.
Price: £8.00
Rich green radiate leaves on stems to 40cms high with us. Greenish flowers and bluish fruit.
Price: £12.50
Pure white sessile flowers over mottled foliage in spring.
Price: £10.00
An unusual species with no petals but attractive tepals of a reddish colour.
Price: £12.50
A rarely offered species from China and Japan with large glossy green leaves and crisp white flowers.
A little grown and much enderrated species which grows and flowers a little later than some and has blush pink flowers.
Price: £11.50
An eyecatching herbaceous plant with mottled leaves and large deep red flowers.
Price: £7.50
A robust species with attractive marbled foliage and red to orange sessile flowers in spring.
Price: £7.50
Open pollinated plants producing a mixed bag of colours etc from pedicellate plants.
Price: £7.50
A super species with usual deep green foliage and rich red flowers in spring.
A trifoliate plant with large deep green leaves and three-petalled white flowers in spring.
Price: £9.00
An unusual species of Trillium in that it will grow quite happily on limestone soils. Large white outward facing flowers.
Price: £8.50
A large flowered white Trillium reaching 30 cms high or so. Clumps up quickly in good soils.
Price: £18.00
A large flowered white Trillium reaching 30 cms high or so. Spreads quickly in good soils.
Price: £45.00
A large flowered white Trillium reaching 25 cms high or so.
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