01890 771386

Sorbus poteriifolia

SKU: sopot-E/4/24
A deciduous small shrub with deep green pinnate leaves and white berries.
Family: Rosaceae
Flower Colour: White
Flowering Season: Spring
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Most soils
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Ornamental fruit
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £7.00
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Sorbus poteriifolia
Product Details
A rarely offered small shrub for the rock garden which will provide a little early autumn colour. The foliage is compound, made up of numerous smaller leaflets. The colour of the foliage is deep green and provides a super foil for the flowers which are borne in summer. In autumn the foliage turns yellow/red before falling. Flowers are held in dense flattened heads and many of these heads are borne on each plant. Size is quite small individually. Colour is a pale creamy white with a fine scent. Berries follow, starting reddish and turning white as they age.