01890 771386

Sorbus gonggashanica

SKU: sogon
A deciduous small shrub with deep green pinnate leaves and white berries.
Family: Rosaceae
Flower Colour: White
Flowering Season: Spring
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Most soils
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Ornamental fruit
Pot Size: 9 cm square
List Price: £6.00
Price: £5.50
Sorbus gonggashanica
Product Details
An ideal shrub or small tree for the rock garden which will provide a little height. The foliage is compound, made up of numerous smaller leaflets. The colour of the foliage is deep green and provides a super foil for the flowers which are borne in summer. In autumn the foliage turns red before falling. Flowers are held in dense flattened heads and many of these heads are borne on each plant. Size is quite small individually. Colour is a pale creamy white with a scent. Berries follow, starting greenish and turning white and lasting well into early winter.
 Please note that these are very young plants offered at the moment.