01890 771386

Anemone multifida var magellanica

SKU: anmuma-E/6/23
Rich pink red flowers over deep green serrated foliage.
Flower Colour: Cream
Flowering Season: Summer
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Ferny Foliage
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £4.50
Upward facing creamy yellow buttercup like flowers
Anemone multifida var magellanica
Product Details
An easy subject to grow in a lightly shaded spot in the garden. Completely herbaceous this rhizomatous perennial rises in early summer and reaches a height of around 30 cms. The leaves are borne directly from the clump with a few on the flower stem. Each leaf is deep green and quite deeply serrated like a pulsatilla. Flowers are held in terminal racemes and are very much buttercup-like althoug the colour is palest creamy-yellow and facing upwards.