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Family: Gesneriaceae
Price: £7.50
Purple and white flowers and long slender succulent evergreen leaves.
Price: £6.00
Rosette forming perennial with deep green serrated foliage and violet-blue flowers on rigid stems.
Price: £8.50
Purple-blue flowers and long slender succulent evergreen leaves.
Price: £8.50
Rosette forming perennial with deep green serrated foliage and white flowers on rigid stems.
Price: £10.00
Big soft fleshy leaves and white flowers having deep orange to red spotting to the throat.
Price: £6.00
A shrubby Gesneriad from Chile with fluorescent orange flowers in summer.
Price: £6.50
Violet-blue/purple flowers and succulent rough textured leaves.
Price: £8.50
Fabulous foxglove like flowers of a yellow and red colour over fleshy deep-green and purplish foliage.