01890 771386

Wulfenia amherstiana

SKU: wuamh-E/7/23
An evergreen rosette forming perennial with pale green scalloped leaves and arching flower spikes of blue-violet.
Flower Colour: Blue
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Evergreen foliage
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £5.00
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Beautifil blue pendulous flowers.
Wulfenia amherstiana
Product Details
A super alpine plant from Afghanistan and the Himalayas forming small lush green rosettes of leathery leaves. The margins of these leaves are strongly scalloped and veins are feintly present on the upper surface. The flowers are borne on rigid stems from the centre of the rosette and reach up to 15 cms high. Each flower is borne up the stem and curiously - all on the same side! This tends to make the flower lean towards that same side giving an unusual appearance. Colour of the flower is strong Blue-violet. Similar to W. carinthiaca but much smaller.