01890 771386

Trillium luteum

SKU: trlut-E/9/22
A smaller sessile type Trillium with strongly marked foliage and flowers of a green to yellow colour.
Family: Trilliaceae
Flower Colour: Yellow
Flowering Season: Spring
Preferred Conditions: Moist, acid soil
Preferred Aspect: Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £8.50
Yellow erect petals on this three petalled flower over mottled green foliage.
Trillium luteum
Yellow erect petals on this three petalled flower over mottled green foliage.
Trillium luteum
Canary yellow erect petals and mottled foliage
Trillium luteum
(Click to see larger image and other views)
Product Details
A stunning species of Trillium with strongly marbled young foliage in spring. Leaves are up to 10 cms long and 8 cms wide on larger plants, a strong dark reddish-brown colour is evident as irregular blotches when the leaves are young but will fade with age. The flowers on this species are sessile (stemless), the petals emerging directly from the union of the three leaflets. Each petal is up to nearly 5 cms high and around 1 cm wide. Colour is variable from strong yellow to a greenish yellow, a scent is present and can range from lemons to honey. Please note that in our experience this species can often grow its first flower or two as coppery orange tones, this is normal and we believe it is a reaction to root disturbance and will return to yellow once established.