01890 771386

Trillium flexipes

SKU: trfle-E/10/23
An unusual species of Trillium in that it will grow quite happily on limestone soils. Large white outward facing flowers.
Family: Trilliaceae
Flower Colour: White
Flowering Season: Spring
Preferred Conditions: Moist, alkaline soil
Preferred Aspect: Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Price: £9.00
Big white three petalled forward facing flowers.
Trillium flexipes
Big white three petalled forward facing flowers.
Trillium flexipes
Nice big three petalled flowers with a pink centre
Trillium flexipes
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Product Details
An unusual Trillium in that it will tolerate slightly limy soils quite well. The stems rise to a height of around 40 cms although they may be higher when the plant makes a tight clump. Usual trifoliate leaves and flower pedicels emerging from the centre of these. The flowers are crisp white, open faced and face outwards with a strong bend on the upper part of the pedicel. The anthers and ovary often have a pink hint.