01890 771386

Trillium erectum Album

SKU: treral-E/7/22
A trifoliate plant with large deep green leaves and three-petalled white flowers in spring.
Family: Trilliaceae
Flower Colour: White
Flowering Season: Spring
Preferred Conditions: Moist, acid soil
Preferred Aspect: Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Clean white flowers with a darker eye
Trillium erectum Album
Product Details
A choice variation on the usual red form of Wake-robin. Rigid stems reach up to 45 cms high on established clumps although it may reach up to 50 cms in congested situations. Usual trifoliate leaves rising from underground rhizomes, are deep green and rather rhombic in shape. Flowers are a crisp white colour, outward facing and very much held erect above the foliage. The petals are pointed, narrow and have prominent vein markings. Usually with a maroon coloured ovary.