01890 771386

Salix herbacea

SKU: saher-E/7/23
A low growing species with deeply coloured catkins in spring.
Family: Salicaceae
Flower Colour: Brown
Flowering Season: Spring
Origin: Europe
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Ground cover
Pot Size: 8 cm square
Price: £3.50
A fine species at 5 cms high with glossy green foliage.
Salix herbacea
Product Details
A dwarf Willow which is suitable for troughs or any place in the rock garden. Each branch is quite small maybe only a few cms in length but a lot of growth is below ground and the plant will get much wider if allowed. Leaves are deep green, glossy and around 1 cm long with a silky base. The stems are a deep red/brown in colour giving interest through the winter months. The stems will rise above ground through the spring and summer to only 2cm or so, these will be the flowering shoots for the next spring.