01890 771386

Roscoea cautleyoides var pubescens CLD687

SKU: rocapub-E/12/23
A choice rarely offered species from China with purple flowers. Syn CLD687
Flower Colour: Purple
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: bare root
Price: £9.00
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Purple flowers and bluish foliage
Roscoea cautleyoides var pubescens CLD687
Product Details
An exotic looking herbaceous perennial with strap-shaped leaves from stout stems rising late in the year. The leaves are a pale bluish/green with prominent veining reaching around 25 cms long and clasp the stem. Fine hairs appear to cause this bluish hue. This collection has caused a bit of a stir being able to tolerate very dry situations and this is confirmed by ourselves. At Hampton Court Palace flower show in 2003 the other roscoeas on our stand had lost all of their flowers in the extreme heat and dryness - this one looked good until the end of the show. The flowers are the main interest being very much orchid-like in appearance. A single large upper petal and two smaller lower petals of a rich purple colour. These are borne in loose flower heads with several flowers open at a time. Sold previously as CLD687.