01890 771386
                        Recommended Links
Edrom Nurseries assumes no responsibility for the contents of any other websites to which the Edrom Nurseries website has links.

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The Alpine Garden Society

The Alpine Garden Society's website has lots of information on other plants as well as alpines plus information on their shows etc.

Bluebell Nursery

Bluebell Nursery are a supplier of rare trees and shrubs.

Flora of China

The Flora of China is the reference work for many new plants coming into the country just now.

Kew Gardens

A good site containing numerous links to other gardening site etc. A source of valuable information.

Edinburgh Botanic Garden

The Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh is one of the very best gardens in the country at the moment.

The Royal Horticultural Society

The worlds largest gardening charity with numerous links and pages of information on all of their flower shows etc.

The Scottish Rock Garden Club

The Scottish Rock Garden Club are a valuable source of information on all sorts of plants.
