01890 771386

Ranunculus arendsii Moonlight

SKU: raarmo-E/4/24
A reliable hybrid with grey leaves and glistening pale yellow flowers.
Flower Colour: Yellow
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Europe
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £7.00
Big pale yellow buttercup like flowers.
Ranunculus arendsii Moonlight
Big pale yellow buttercup like flowers.
Ranunculus arendsii Moonlight
Large buttercup like yellow flowers.
Ranunculus arendsii Moonlight
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Product Details

This is an easy hybrid to grow being tolerant of wet or dry soils as long as the drainage is good. Foliage is broadly lanceolate and quite leathery being greyish-silver with prominent veining. These are up to 14 cms long and around 3 cm wide, making loose vertical rosettes. Flowers are held on rigid stems to a height of 30 cms or so. Many are borne and the colour is a pale yellow - like buttercups but much bigger.