01890 771386

Primula luteola

SKU: prlut-E/5/22
An attractive bright yellow primula with glossy green leaves.
Family: Primulaceae
Flower Colour: Yellow
Flowering Season: Spring
Origin: Europe
Preferred Conditions: Moist soils
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Mainly flowers
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £5.00
Bright canary yellow flowers in bunches
Primula luteola
Product Details
An unusual Primula. The leaves are quite glossy rich green with fine serrations to the edges and making solid clumps below the flower stems. Flowers on this Candelabra type Primula are borne on stems up to 35 cms or so. Each flower is held in a whorl around the stem and there can be several whorls up the stem. Each last for around 7 days.