01890 771386

Myosotis capitata

SKU: mycap
Fleshy soft apple-green foliage in loose rosettes and blue 'Forget me Not' flowers in early summer.
Family: Boraginaceae
Flower Colour: Blue
Flowering Season: Spring
Origin: Australasia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Glossy foliage
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £4.00
Slightly haired glossy green fleshy leaves in rosettes.
Myosotis capitata
Product Details

This is a fabulous species from Auckland - New Zealand where it grows into tufts at around 20 cms tall and maybe twice as wide. The foliage is spathulate at around 8 cms long and 2 cms wide, slightly hairy and a soft apple green. It is slightly fleshy in nature but appears to be quite weather resistant.

 Flowers are the typical 'Forget me Not' blue and produced early in the year on sturdy stems, each lasting around 1 week to 10 days. Obviously, many flowers are produced.