01890 771386

Monardella odoratissima

SKU: moodo-E/5/24
Pale lilac-lavender flowers over greyish foliage throughout summer.
Family: Lamiaceae
Flower Colour: lavender
Flowering Season: Summer
Preferred Conditions: Most soils
Preferred Aspect: Full sun
Additional Feature: Aromatic foliage
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £3.50
Monardella odoratissima
Product Details
This is a fine little semi-woody plant from the US which has a strong scent when brushed against. In the Lamiaceae family alongside mints, the cent is very much mint-like and so a position where it can be touched is recommended.
   Bluish-grey foliage is small and rounded, being held on lax stems which benefit from a cutting back through the year to encourage a good rigid habit as a young plant.
 Flowers are pale lilac/lavender and a held on stem tips throughout summer.

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