01890 771386

Lilium lankongense

SKU: lilan-E/10/23
An exceptional lily with narrow rigid stems carrying glossy deep green leaves and turkscap pink flowers.
Family: Liliaceae
Flower Colour: Pink
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Glossy foliage
Pot Size: bare root
Price: £8.00
These have now started to grow and not easily packable. They'll be available again in the autumn.
Product Details
A particularly graceful turkscap type lily from China which produces slender stems carrying glossy lanceolate leaves. This species is stoloniferous and will run around in a given area although we find that it is not invasive. The turkscap flowers are held in numbers up to 15 or so and are pale to deep pink with stronger spotting with a strong sweet scent.