01890 771386

Lilium formosanum pricei AGM

SKU: lifopr-E/6/24
A vigorous dwarf species producing short stems carrying creamy white flowers up to 15cms long.
Family: Liliaceae
Flower Colour: White
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Glossy foliage
Pot Size: 9 cm square
List Price: £5.50
Price: £5.00
Large creamy white trumpets on stem to 15 cms high
Lilium formosanum pricei AGM
Large creamy white trumpets on stem to 15 cms high
Lilium formosanum pricei AGM
Huge creamy white trumpet-like flowers
Lilium formosanum pricei AGM
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Product Details
One of the smallest Lilies which we offer , but only in height not in flower size. This species has very narrow deep green leaves on rigid stems rising earlier in the year than the species. The flowers are very much outsized compared with the rest of the plant. These are up to 15 cms long and up to 10 cms wide with a strong reddish marking to the outside. Up to 3 are produced from one bulb.