01890 771386

Lilium Bronwen North

SKU: librno-E/10/23
A Dr Chris North hybrid with pale pink flowers in summer.
Family: Liliaceae
Flower Colour: Pink
Flowering Season: Spring
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Glossy foliage
Pot Size: bare root
Price: £10.00
These have now started to grow and not easily packable. They'll be available again in the autumn.
Product Details
A graceful turkscap type lily hybridised by Dr Chris North which produces slender stems carrying glossy lanceolate leaves. The turkscap flowers are held in numbers up to 15 or so and are a pale pinkish with deeper red spotting throughout. Few only of this fabulous hybrid. Slower than most of the other North hybrids hence the price.