01890 771386

Keiskea japonica

SKU: keja-E/6/20
An attractive from Japan with lance shaped leaves and white flowers.
Family: Lamiaceae
Flower Colour: Yellow
Flowering Season: Autumn
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: 9 cm square
List Price: £8.50
Price: £6.50
You Save: £2.00 (24%)
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Lance shaped leaves and white flowers in bunches.
Keiskea japonica
Product Details

This is a fine semi-woody plant from Japan where it also has a synonym of Collinsonia.

Easy to grow in a lightly shaded site where the foliage is lance-shaped and will grow from the stiffly erect woody stems. The main attraction are the flowers which are all held at the stem tips in a bottlebrush-like formation. Colour is a nice clean white.
 Interestingly, as it dies back into the ground for winter, the roots apparently keep pushing up water. During cold weather, this freezes in the stem but pushes out through the side producing quite attractive 'frost flowers'. Click the link below to see.

Best to cut back fairly hard like a Dogwood in early spring to encourage a bushy habit.