01890 771386

Daphne retusa

SKU: daret-E/7/19
Deep green evergreen foliage and a neat habit on this Daphne.
Flower Colour: Pink
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun
Additional Feature: Evergreen foliage
Pot Size: 8 cm square
Price: £5.00
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Super glossy deep green foliage and fabulously scented pale pink flowers.
Daphne retusa
Super glossy deep green foliage and fabulously scented pale pink flowers.
Daphne retusa
White flowers opening from pink buds
Daphne retusa
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Product Details
This is a lovely Daphne (aren't they all!) which makes a neat rounded compact globe in a short time. Leaves are deepest green and semi-glossy being evergreen and held on very rigid stems. The stem tips hold next years growth buds and these are rich red adding to the interest. Flowers are deep pink in bud opening paler pink with the usual strong sweet scent associated with Daphnes.
Young plants.