01890 771386

Arisaema sikkokianum

SKU: arsik-JA/3/25
A fully hardy species with brown and straw coloured stems to add to the interest of the brown & white flowers.
Family: Araceae
Flower Colour: Brown
Flowering Season: Spring
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Pot Size: 9 cm square
Price: £16.00
Brown and white spathes with a central marshmallow looking spadix
Arisaema sikkokianum
Product Details

A good all-round species being reliably hardy in all parts of the UK. Smallish tubers produce growing points in early spring which eventually reveal the flowers and digitate leaves. The flowers are up to 12 cms tall, tubular and hooded. Colour is brown on the outer but with white inner and white club-like spadix - just like a marshmallow! The foliage is in the form of two leaves each having finger-like leaflets and have attractive coloured petioles - reddish-brown and white stripes.

 Young but maybe flowering sized tubers.