01890 771386

Arisaema flavum

SKU: arfla-JA-3/25
A curious relative of the Arum family with green and yellow tubular flowers and ornate foliage.
Family: Araceae
Flower Colour: Yellow
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Partial Shade
Additional Feature: Foliage effect
Price: £8.00
predominantly yellow tubular flowers
Arisaema flavum
Product Details
One of the smaller members of this genus of plants at only 8 inches or so. There is much literature to suggest that this species can grow to 18 inches high! We can't say that we have seen this species at this height, although we aren't saying they don't exist. Leaves on this species are composed of up to eleven leaflets, two leaves per growth, mid green in colour and interesting in themselves. Flowers are in the form of a spathe which is yellow on the upper half and greenish on the lower, with a yellow lid which is positioned over the upward facing mouth. One inch in size is about average for the whole flower, the colour is the unusual part of the plant.