01890 771386

Araiostegia parvipinnata

SKU: arpar-E/6/24
Deeply dissected and feathery fronds along with ginger scaly rhizomes.
Family: Davalliaceae
Flower Colour: Not Applicable
Flowering Season: Non flowering
Origin: Japan
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Shade
Additional Feature: Ferny Foliage
Price: £12.00
Finely dissected ferny foliage.
Araiostegia parvipinnata
Product Details

An unusual fern from Japan where it grows in forested areas on the floor and on branches where it will get enough moisture. Herbaceous, the new fronds will grow in the spring from ginger scaly rhizomes which sit on the surface of the soil being protected only by leaf litter etc. Fronds are deeply dissected and look feathery. A very nice fern especially where the rhizomes can be seen dancing around the floor or pot.