01890 771386

Allium virgunculae

SKU: alvir-E/7/23
A hardy Allium with a delicate appearance. Soft pink/purple flowers on wiry stems in late summer. Suitable for troughs etc.
Family: Alliaceae
Flower Colour: Pink
Flowering Season: Summer
Origin: Asia
Preferred Conditions: Moist, well drained soil
Preferred Aspect: Full sun or part shade
Additional Feature: Ornamental seed heads
Pot Size: 8 cm square
List Price: £5.00
Price: £4.00
You Save: £1.00 (20%)
Allium virgunculae
Product Details
A dwarf species from southern japan with apple green leaves emerging in early spring from slender bulbs. These are very thin and almost grasslike in appearance. Flowers are dainty and held in loose clusters at the top of each stem which can reach up to 25 cms high. Each flower is composed of very narrow petals of a soft pink colour. Very late summer/autumn.
  A good free flowering form worthy of a space in the rock garden and suitable for even the smallest of troughs. Japan and Korea.

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